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Minimum Notification Period for Haulage Service Request

Delivery Requests:

Extra-Ordinary Charges (Storage/Demurrage/Removal & Other Related Charges) liability period is only after FORTY-EIGHT (48) WORKING HOURS NOTICE upon submission of complete documentation. (Example of completer documents – request, custom forms, gate pass, DG list & any other required documents). Any request submitted incomplete, the 48 working hours will be calculated only after receiving complete documents.

 *** Every Haulage Planning is required 48 hour prior delivery upon receiving rot / CMO / Required date.***


Collection of Laden/Export Containers:

All Collection Shall Be in writing and must be received by Haulier with a minimum of TWENTY-FOUR (24) WORKING HOURS NOTICE. The notice period shall be counted from time of " Container Readiness Time ''. Container Readiness Time is the time when the customer has completed loading of the container and the container doors are fully closed and sealed by the Customer, where applicable. (Example of completer documents – request DG list & any other required documents). Any request submitted incomplete, the 24 working hours will be calculated only after receiving complete documents.


Collection of Empty/Import Containers:

All Collection Advise shall be in writing and must be received with FORTY-EIGHT (48) WORKING HOURS NOTICE. The notice period shall be counted from time of Container Readiness Time. The Haulier shall be held free of all charges incurred by consignee for 48 hours’ notice period from Container Readiness Time.


Request Receiving Department (ROT)

Please be reminded that any rot submission / RFC after cut off time will be plan on the next working day

Monday – Friday 9:00 to 17:00 (Cut Off : 15:00)

Saturday 9:00 to 13:00 (Cut Off : 12:00)

Sunday & Public Holiday (Off Day).